Friday, December 4, 2009


The Pridmonster is on the loose.

Yeah that's right, today kicked ass. When doesn't it?
Every other year level, excluding the year nines, were either at home because of the finishing of exams, or on excursion. So you know, we pretty much ruled the school.
- pops collar -

Bri and I didn't go to a few lessons though.. But hey, we weren't doing anything in class anyway who wgaf.

I want to be 14 so baaaad. I need a job. I need the money to go to Woolworth's and Indochina

(Since that's where I spend it all anyway)

Today for e.g I rode to Woolworth's and bought, prepare yourselves:

- A bag of Oats (lolwtf?)
- Maccaroni and Cheese for Ami
- Peach Ice Tea mix [10sachet]
- Lemon and Lime Ice Tea mix [10sachet]
- 5 Toblerone bars for mum
- A "Big Box" of tic-tacs for Ami

See how lame I am, buying all the good shit for them and what do I have? A fucking bag of oats.

But hey, it's what's in these days, whaaaat can I say.
say can't Chuck Norris.


I have decided that I probably wont go to school on some days next week, although one of my friends are moving. I figured, when she leaves, it wouldn't really make a difference whether or not I was there during that whole week, but of course I will go on her last day. I mean, I've been friends with her for two years. But idk. It just doesn't feel like it'd make such a difference, don't ask why, it's hard to explain but my mum agrees.

Although a few things are wrong right now in my life, one thing always makes me smile and look forward to the next day; Jay. I haven't felt like this for someone before within 2 weeks time (not saying I am in love with him, but I mean compared to how I've felt for someone in 2 weeks before) He.. idk. He has flaws, like his Laugh and Dirty Mind, but there's so much about him that I love. I feel that strongly for him that I am scared of losing him, or him leaving me. But hey, all relationships are a risk, I guess you have to be prepared.

Anyhoo. I must now commence my dancing DIVA DIVA DIDIDIVA.